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Superconductivity: Everything you need to know about LK-99


Latest Update on LK99

As of August 9, 2023, Researchers from University College Cork identified an exceptional superconducting state in Uranium Ditelluride. The discovery holds the promise of enhancing the stability and efficiency of quantum computers. It not only tackles a major obstacle in the of quantum computing but also marks a substantial advancement within this field.

As of August 5, 2023, a video of LK-99 fully Levitating was just posted to the Chinese video-sharing site BiliBili. The claims that the posted material is highly pure and synthesised from a sample of LK-99 has not been verified.

Imagine a world where electricity flows without resistance, where high-speed trains levitate effortlessly above the tracks, and medical imaging reveals the tiniest details of our bodies with astonishing clarity. This vision might seem like science fiction, but the concept is real and within reach: superconductivity. If we can achieve and harness this incredible phenomenon, it could revolutionize our lives in ways we’ve never imagined.

What is Superconductivity

At its core, superconductivity is a quantum mechanical phenomenon that occurs in certain materials when they are cooled to extremely low temperatures. In this state, these materials exhibit zero electrical resistance, allowing electric current to flow without any loss of energy. This unique property arises due to the pairing of electrons in a material’s atomic lattice, creating Cooper pairs that move coherently through the lattice, overcoming any resistance that would normally hinder the flow of electrons.

One of the most fascinating aspects of superconductivity is the Meissner effect, where a superconductor expels magnetic fields from its interior, effectively levitating above a magnet. This behaviour allows for frictionless movement, making it possible to envision ultra-efficient transportation systems like Maglev trains.

Current Research in the field of Superconductivity

Recent research in the field of superconductivity has been laser-focused on discovering materials that can exhibit superconductivity at higher temperatures, thereby making these superconductors more practical for real-world applications, including power transmission and medical devices.

Among the latest and most promising breakthroughs is the material known as sulphur hydride, which has demonstrated superconductivity at a temperature of 203 Kelvin (-70 degrees Celsius). This achievement represents the highest temperature at which any superconductor has been discovered to date.

However, the discovery of sulphur hydride has not been without its share of controversy. Some scientists have raised questions about the accuracy of the measurements, while others have challenged whether the material genuinely qualifies as a superconductor. Nevertheless, the unveiling of sulphur hydride is a significant step forward in the field of superconductivity. It establishes the potential for finding materials that can superconduct at higher temperatures, paving the way for the development of innovative applications in the future.

Controversies and gaps in superconductivity research

Amidst the excitement of these advancements, there are still several gaps in our knowledge that pose intriguing challenges for researchers. One key area of concern is the lack of a comprehensive theory that explains the mechanism behind superconductivity across all materials. While various theoretical models exist, none have fully accounted for the intricacies of different superconducting systems, leaving the scientific community seeking a unified understanding. Certain controversies have emerged, further stimulating scientific inquiry.

Superconductivity at room temperature

In July 2023, claims of room-temperature superconductors have surfaced. However, the validity of these assertions remains uncertain, as they have yet to be independently verified.

How impurities affect superconductors

Researchers suspect that impurities may influence superconductivity, but the precise role they play remains an area of ongoing investigation and debate.

How superconductivity works

While several theories attempt to explain superconductivity’s inner workings, a universally accepted model has yet to emerge, leaving this aspect of the phenomenon ripe for further exploration. Historically, superconductivity was only observed in materials that had to be cooled to near absolute zero, making widespread applications challenging. However, research has identified new classes of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) that can achieve superconductivity at temperatures above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (-196°C).

Scientists are continually exploring novel materials and conducting research to understand the fundamental mechanisms behind superconductivity. Different families of superconductors, such as cuprates, iron-based, and various exotic compounds, have been discovered and studied extensively to identify ways to improve their properties and operating temperatures.

Applications of Superconductivity

The applications of superconductivity span a wide range of industries, and their potential impact is enormous. Here are some of the most promising areas where superconductivity could revolutionize technology:

Superconductors in transportation

Imagine commuting in high-speed trains that glide noiselessly, with minimal energy consumption, thanks to superconducting Maglev technology. Superconducting motors could also propel electric vehicles to new levels of efficiency, reducing our carbon footprint.

Superconductors in energy transmission and storage

Superconducting power cables could transmit electricity over vast distances with almost no energy loss, revolutionizing power distribution networks and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Superconducting energy storage systems can store excess electricity generated during off-peak hours and release it during peak demand, improving grid stability.

Applications of superconductivity in medical imaging

Superconducting magnets in MRI machines provide sharper and more detailed images of internal body structures, aiding in more accurate diagnoses and treatments.

Superconductivity in quantum computing

Some quantum computing technologies rely on superconducting qubits, offering the potential for exponential growth in computational power and tackling complex problems that are currently beyond classical computing capabilities.

Superconductors in sensors, detectors and IoT devices

Superconducting devices can serve as highly sensitive sensors and detectors, enabling precise measurements in fields like geophysics, astronomy, and security systems.


Superconductivity is a scientific marvel that has already found practical applications in various industries, but its true potential remains untapped. As ongoing research uncovers new materials and advances our understanding of superconductivity, we inch closer to achieving higher critical temperatures and more widespread adoption.

The vision of a world empowered by superconductivity is not merely a distant dream; it is a realistic possibility. As we harness the incredible properties of superconductors, we may find ourselves at the brink of a technological revolution, transforming our society and opening the doors to possibilities we once thought were out of reach. With continued dedication to research and innovation, the age of superconductivity is not a question of “if,” but rather a matter of “when” we will fully realize its potential and embrace a future of boundless opportunities.

Common questions regarding LK-99

What is LK-99?

LK-99 is an intriguing material with the potential to be a room-temperature superconductor. It exists as a gray-black powder with a hexagonal structure slightly modified from lead-apatite.

Is LK-99 Real?

The reality of LK-99 as a room-temperature superconductor has captured the attention of the scientific community, however, it has not been independently verified as at August 2, 2023.

Who Discovered LK-99?

LK-99 was first discovered and synthesized by a team of researchers from Korea University. The pioneering minds behind this breakthrough include Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim.

How to Make LK-99

The synthesis of LK-99 involves baking a mixture of lanarkite (Pb2SO4) and copper phosphide (Cu3P).


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